Sigrid Janssen
German Language Training / Rural Development & Humanitarian Assistance

Rural Development & Humanitarian Assistance

Please see below a brief summary of work experience in various parts of the world. For more information, feel free to contact me.

As a result of my educational background and experience, I am qualified to carry out short–term consultancy in the conceptualization and design of rural development projects, monitoring and evaluation. Furthermore, I also offer literature research in related fields as well as report and proposal writing (depending on baseline data available).

Overseas Experience


In Ethiopia I worked for three years for Menschen für Menschen, an organization founded by the internationally acclaimed actor Karl-Heinz Böhm. My work with Menschen für Menschen was in the capacity of programme coordinator, also responsible for monitoring and evaluation (2011–2014).

I worked for the development services of the Protestant Churches of Germany, today known as Bread for the World. During that time I consulted a local NGO (CDSE) that was engaged in rural and urban development projects in different parts of the country.

Sierra Leone, Liberia, Guinea (Conakry)


In the Mano River Region of West Africa I was responsible for setting up a regional office for Caritas International,  Germany, a member of the Caritas internationalis Federation of the Catholic Church. During that time I worked closely together with the Bishops Conferences of all three countries and other representatives of the Catholic Church in the region.


During my first stay in Ethiopia, I set up a joint country office for CAFOD (Catholic Agency for Overseas Development), together with a representative of Trócaire.  The main focus was collaborating closely in the area of development work with the Ethiopian Catholic Church and selected other partners. Both CAFOD and Trócaire are members of Caritas Internationalis.


Representative of German Red Cross in Pristina, monitoring and supervising all GRC-financed relief assistance and rehabilitation projects implemented under the umbrella of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). I also acted as GRC Deputy Regional Representative for Albania and Macedonia.


In Rwanda I worked with the local Caritas organization. In my role as assistant to the Secretary General I was involved in disaster relief and rehabilitation efforts after the Rwandan genocide.

Dominican Republic

After completing my university studies I started as a volunteer for the German Volunteer Service, which today is an integral part of giz.


I took part in an international exchange programme with the Future Farmers of America, working on two different dairy farms in Wisconsin and Oregon.